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They say to surround yourself with people who inspire you, who can teach you. People who have knowledge and wisdom, goals and desires, drive and determination. This man right here is all of them!

This man has worked his hind end off for years. Working with his dad on the farm from the day he could walk and playing with his vast amount of tractors when he couldn’t go with him. He was born to be a farmer and a cattleman.

After graduating high school and attempting college, he quickly decided it wasn’t for him and went out on his own. He had a different vision for his life and he was determined to make it work. Not necessarily knowing how, but trusting that it would happen. While the banks didn’t want to support his vision, he found a way through people he had built relationships with.

He’s pieced together land and a feedlot by working for himself and for others for years. He’s done the extra, put in the overtime, learned the lessons, gained the knowledge and turned it into making wiser decisions as he matures. The best part, HE’S NOT DONE YET!!

At age 49, this man decided to start enjoying some of the fruits of his labor outside of work and he STARTED team roping.


I’ve been amazed at his willingness to learn and be coached, mainly by his wife of all people. He’s excitement when accomplishing the little steps and his huge smile when he catches a few in a row has been a huge reminder for me.

A reminder to enjoy the process.

A reminder to celebrate the little steps.

A reminder as to just how far I’ve come.

A reminder to stay coachable.

A reminder that it’s never too late to start.

A reminder to listen and learn.

A reminder how fun it is just to live this life.

A reminder of how much a smile can mean.

A reminder to be thankful that we get to do it as a family.

A reminder that we’re all beginners

We are all beginners all the time. Every time we start something we are beginners. Every time we level up, we are beginning a new level. Every time we get on a new horses we are beginning. Every time we try a new strategy we are beginning.

This picture was taken at his first roping. He missed all four. BUT, he improved every run, focused on his progress, letting it fuel his fire instead of watering it down. Most importantly, he came out smiling, thankful and ready for more!

I am proud to call this man my husband. I am proud of the man he is and I’m thankful for his willingness to be a beginner all the things he’s teaching and reteaching me, just by being himself!

So today, I encourage you to remember, we’re all beginning something all the time. Let your dreams be bigger than your excuses and GO FOR IT! Begin, or maybe, begin again!

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